Certified Courses

Certificate of Proficiency in Insurance (COP)
COP is the foundational course in insurance that introduces the basic insurance principles. COP is a subset of the certificate in insurance course. It is appropriate for those who are new to the industry, either direct from school with a tertiary qualification or with a non-insurance qualification.
Admission Requirements:
- Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with a minimum of three passes.
- Possession of appropriate or relevant professional qualifications.
- Full payment of registration and membership fees.

Certificate In Insurance (CIU)
The Certificate in Insurance provides a comprehensive introduction to insurance and grounds learners in basic insurance principles with specific emphasis on the practice of both general insurance and life insurance. The CIU builds a foundation of insurance principles and allows students to get industry certification as they progress through the insurance career ladder.
Admission requirements
- Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with a minimum of three passes.
- Possession of appropriate or relevant professional qualifications.
- Full payment of registration and membership fees.

Diploma In Insurance (DIU)
The Diploma is intended for driven professionals who seek to expand their strategic skills to perform successfully at management level in the insurance industry. You can choose to specialize in General, Life, Health Insurance or Loss Adjusting at this level.
Admission requirements
- A level with 1 principal pass and 2 subsidiaries and UCE with at least 5 passes obtained at the same sitting OR
- A bachelor's degree from a recognised university OR
- A diploma from a recognised institution of higher learning OR
- A Certificate in Insurance from ITC or any other recognized professional training insurance institution OR
- A professional qualification from any other recognized non-insurance professional training institution.

Advanced Diploma In Insurance (ADIU)
The Advanced Diploma in Insurance qualification is designed for seasoned insurance professionals wishing to improve their leadership skills and work at a strategic or senior management level. The ADIU helps to facilitate and implement change, and has a positive influence on one's career and performance at work.
Admission requirements
- A diploma in Insurance or any other equivalent insurance related professional qualification OR
- Holders of a Masters' degree or any other professional qualification such as CPA, ACCA, CIM, Law (and others) with 8 years' experience in insurance and on completion of 2 ITC DIU course units, Insurance Law (mandatory) and one core insurance paper.